Free Reiki Distance Healing

What is Reiki?

Reiki (pronounced “Ray-key”) is a simple Japanese energy-balancing method that is used by hundreds of thousands of people all over the world. It is most well known as a sort of hands-on treatment technique, and many people have regular Reiki treatments. Since everything is energy, and energy can be transmitted into the universe, Distance Reiki is very effective, it works!

What can Reiki do?

Anyone can benefit from a course of Reiki treatments, no matter what your age or your state of health, and beneficial changes can take place over a fairly short space of time. Reiki can produce:

* Deep relaxation

* Reduced stress & anxiety

* Boosted energy levels

* A feeling of inner calm, contentment and serenity

* A speeding up of the natural healing process

 Reiki can also help you to:

* Feel more positive, confident and better able to cope

* Deal better with stressful people and difficult situations

* Develop a strong sense of purpose and clear-thinking

* Remove some of the ‘clutter’ from your life

* Enjoy a better quality of life

The effects of Reiki build up cumulatively, you see, and having a course of treatments helps to produce long-term beneficial changes for you on many levels.

See the Distance Reiki Playlist on my YouTube Channel for free Distance Reiki Sessions, just for you!

Want to learn Reiki so that you can send healing energy to yourself and others? Check my Level I and II practitioner Class and register today!